Beatriz Herrera, Amirsaman Sajad, Steven P. Errington, Jeffrey D. Schall, Jorge J. Riera. Cortical origin of theta error signals. Cerebral Cortex, bhad367, 2023
Beatriz Herrera, Jacob A.Westerberg , Michelle S. Schall, Alexander Maier, Geoffrey F. Woodman, Jeffrey D. Schall, Jorge J. Riera. Resolving the mesoscopic missing link: Biophysical modeling of EEG from cortical columns in primates. Neuroimage 263, 2022
Carolina Moncion, Lakshmini Balachandar, Satheesh Bojja Venkatakrishnan, John L.Volakis, Jorge Riera Diaz. Multichannel Wireless Neurosensing System for battery-free monitoring of neuronal activity. Biosensors and Bioelectronics 213, 2022
Lakshmini Balachandar, Diana Borrego, Jorge Riera Diaz. Serotype-based evaluation of an optogenetic construct in rat cortical astrocytes. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 593: 35-39, 2022.
Suarez, A., Valdes-Hernandez, P.A., Bernal, B., Dunoyer, C., Khoo, H.M., Bosch-Bayard, J. and Riera, J.J., Identification of Negative BOLD Responses in Epilepsy using Windkessel Models. Frontiers in Neurology 12: 1735, 2021
Alejandro Suarez, Pedro A. Valdes-Hernandez, Arash Moshkforoush, Nikolaos Tsoukias, Jorge Riera. Arterial blood stealing as a mechanism of negative BOLD response: From the steady-flow with nonlinear phase separation to a windkessel-based model. Journal of Theoretical Biology 529: 110856, 2021
Moshkforoush A, Balachandar L, Moncion C, Montejo KA, Riera J. Unraveling ChR2-driven stochastic Ca2+ dynamics in astrocytes: A call for new interventional paradigms. PLoS Comput Biol 17(2): e1008648, 2021.
Lakshmini Balachandar, Karla A. Montejo, Eleane Castano, Melissa Perez, Carolina Moncion, Jeremy W. Chambers, J. Luis Lujan, Jorge Riera Diaz. Simultaneous Ca2+ Imaging and Optogenetic Stimulation of Cortical Astrocytes in Adult Murine Brain Slices. Current Protocols in Neuroscience, 94, Issue 1: e110, 2020
Beatriz Herrera, Amirsaman Sajad, Geoffrey F. Woodman, Jeffrey D. Schall, and Jorge J. Riera. A Minimal Biophysical Model of Neocortical Pyramidal Cells: Implications for Frontal Cortex Microcircuitry and Field Potential Generation. The Journal of Neuroscience, 40: 8513–8529, 2020
Maria L. Bringas Vega, Paul Nunez , Jorge Riera, Rui Zhang and Pedro A. Valdes-Sosa. The Influence of the EEG Reference on Inference About Brain Function and Disorders. Through a Glass, Darkly. Front. Neurosci. 13:1341, 2019.
Moataz M. Mekawy, Atsushi Saito, Akira Sumiyoshi, Jorge J. Riera, Hiroaki Shimizu,Ryuta Kawashima, Teiji Tominaga. Hybrid magneto-fluorescent nano-probe for live apoptotic cells monitoring at brain cerebral ischemia. Materials Science & Engineering C 100: 485–492, 2019
Liu S, Moncion C, Zhang J, Balachandar L, Kwaku D, Riera J, Volakis J, Chae J. A fully-passive flexible wireless neural recorder for the acquisition of neuropotentials from a rat model. ACS Sensors 4(2): 3175-3185, 2019.
Tuttle A., Riera-Diaz J, Mori Y. A computational study on the role of glutamate and NMDA receptors on cortical spreading depression using a multidomain electrodiffusion model. PLoS Computational Biology 15(2): e1007455, 2019.
Moncion, Carolina, Balachandar, Lakshmini, Bojja-Venkatakrishnan, Satheesh, Riera, Jorge J., & Volakis, John L. Fully-Passive Wireless Implant for Neuropotential Acquisition: An In Vivo Validation. IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology 3, 199-255, 2019.
Byron Bernal, Magno R. Guillen, Pedro Valdes, Prasanna Jayakar, Nolan Altman, Michael Duchowny, Jorge Riera. Epilepsy Focus Localization in Patients Utilizing BOLD Differences Related to Regional Metabolic Dynamics. Open Journal of Radiology 9, 163-175, 2019
Daniele Marinazzo, Jorge J. Riera, Laura Marzetti, Laura Astolfi, Dezhong Yao, Pedro A. Valdes Sosa. Controversies in EEG Source Imaging and Connectivity: Modeling, Validation, Benchmarking. Brain Topography 32, 527, 2019.
Valdes-Hernandez PA, Bae J, Song Y, Sumiyoshi A, Aubert-Vazquez E, Riera J*. Validating Non-invasive EEG source imaging using optimal electrode configurations on a representative rat head model. Brain Topography 32, 599-624, 2019. *(Corresponding author)
Moshkforoush A, Valdes-Hernandez PA, Rivera-Espada DE, Mori Y, Riera J*. waveCSD: A method for estimating transmembrane currents originated from propagating neuronal activity in the neocortex: Application to study cortical spreading depression. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 307, 106–124, 2018. *(Corresponding author)
Deshmukh, A, Leichner J, Bae J, Song Y., Valdes-Hernandez PA, Lin WC, Riera J.* Histological characterization of the irritative zones in focal cortical dysplasia using a preclinical rat model.” Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12(52), 1-15. 2018. *(Corresponding author)
Bruyns-Haylett M, Luo J, Kennerley AJ, Harris S, Boorman L, Milne E, Vautrelle N, Hayashi Y, Whalley BJ, Jones M, Berwick J, Riera J, Zheng Y. The neurogenesis of P1 and N1: A concurrent EEG/LFP study. NeuroImage 146, 575-588, 2017.
Song Y, Garcia S, Frometa Y, Ramella-Roman JC, Soltani M, Almadi M, Riera J, Lin W-C. Quantitative assessment of hemodynamic and structural characteristics of in vivo brain tissue using total diffuse reflectance spectrum measured in a non-contact fashion. Biomedical Optics Express 8(1), 78-103, 2017.
Saito A, Mekawy MM, Sumiyoshi A, Riera J, Shimizu H, Kawashima R, Tominaga T. Noninvasive targeting delivery and in vivo magnetic resonance tracking method for live apoptotic cells in cerebral ischemia with functional Fe2O3 magnetic nanoparticles. J Nanobiotechnol 14(19), 1-11, 2016.
Song Y, Riera J, Bhatia S, Ragheb J, Garcia C, Weil AG, Jayakar P, Lin W-C. Intraoperative optical mapping of epileptogenic cortices during non-ictal periods in pediatric patients. NeuroImage: Clinical 11, 423-434, 2016.
Song Y, Torres RA, Garcia S, Frometa Y, Bae J, Deshmukh A, Lin W-C, Zheng Y, Riera J.* Dysfunction of neurovascular/metabolic coupling in chronic focal epilepsy. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 63(1), 97-110, 2016. *(Corresponding author).
Bae J, Deshmukh A, Song Y, Riera J.* Brain source imaging in rats with preclinical models of focal epilepsy using high-resolution EEG recordings. J Vis Exp (100), e52700, doi:10.3791/52700, 2015. *(Corresponding author)
Song Y, Sanganahalli BG, Hyder F, Lin WC, Riera J.* Distributions of irritative zones are related to individual alterations of resting-state networks in focal epilepsy. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0134352. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134352, 2015. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Goto T., Kawashima R. An electrophysiological microscope for fast assessments to the activity of cortical networks in vivo: from population inputs to single unit outputs. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 8(4), 1-14, 2014. *(Corresponding author)
Aizawa-Kohama M., Endo T., Kitada M., Wakao S., Sumiyoshi A., Matsuse D., Kuroda Y., Riera J., Kawashima R., Tominaga T., Dezawa M. Transplantation of bone marrow-derived neural precursor cells ameliorates deficits in a rat model of complete spinal cord transection. Cell Transplantation 22(9): 1613-1625, 2013.
Wang K., Riera J., Enjieu Kadji H., Goto T., Kawashima R. The role of the extracellular impedance profiles in the compartmental models for neurons: a unified formalism for recording and stimulation. Neural Computation 25: 1807-1852, 2013.
Riera J.*, Cabo A. Instantaneous charge unbalance in the brain: a result from procedural errors or an authentic physical phenomenon? Journal of Neurophysiology 109:1684-1685, 2013. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Ogawa T., Goto T., Sumiyoshi A., Nonaka H., Evans A., Miyakawa H., Kawashima R. Pitfalls in the dipolar model for the neocortical EEG sources. Journal of Neurophysiology 108(4): 956-975, 2012. *(Corresponding author)
Sumiyoshi A., Suzuki H., Ogawa T., Riera J., Shimokawa H., Kawashima R. Coupling between gamma oscillation and fMRI signal in rat somatosensory cortex: its dependence on systemic physiological parameters. NeuroImage 60(1):738-746, 2012.
Riera J.*, Hatanaka R., Ozaki T., and Kawashima R. Modeling the spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in astrocytes: Inconsistencies and usefulness. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 10:439-473, 2011. *(Corresponding author)
Valdés-Hernández P.A., Sumiyoshi A., Nonaka H., Haga R., Aubert-Vásquez E., Iturria-Medina Y., Riera J.*, Kawashima R. An in vivo MRI template set for morphometry, tissue segmentation and fMRI localization in rats. Frontiers in Neuroscience (Neuroinformatics) 5, article 26:1-19, 2011. *(Corresponding author)
Ogawa T., Riera J.*, Goto T., Sumiyoshi A., Nonaka H., Jerbi K., Bertrand O., Kawashima R. Large-scale heterogeneous representation of sound attributes in rat primary auditory cortex: from unit activity to population dynamics. The Journal of Neuroscience 31(41):14639-14653, 2011. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Hatanaka R., Uchida T., Ozaki T., Kawashima R. Quantifying the uncertainty of spontaneous Ca2+ oscillations in astrocytes: Particulars of Alzheimer’s disease. Biophysical Journal, 101(3), 554-564, 2011.*(Corresponding author)
Crivaro M., Enjieu-Kadji H., Hatanaka R., Nakauchi S., Bosch J., Judin J., Riera J.*, Kawashima R. Multi-photon fluorescent images with a spatially varying background signal: A ML deconvolution method. Journal of Microscopy, 242, Pt 3, 311-324, 2011. *(Corresponding author)
Sumiyoshi, A., Riera J.*, Ogawa T., Kawashima R. A Mini-Cap for simultaneous EEG and fMRI recording in rodents. NeuroImage 54, 1951-1965, 2011. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Valdes-Sosa P. Mesoscale in neuroimaging: creating bridges between the microscopic and system levels. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 9(4), v-vii, 2010. *(Corresponding author)
Bosch J., Riera J., Biscay R., Wong K.F.K., Galka A., Yamashita O., Sadato N., Kawashima R., Aubert E., Rodriguez R., Valdes P., Miwakeichi F., Ozaki T. Spatio-temporal correlations from fMRI time series based on the NN-ARx model. Journal of Integrative Neuroscience 9(4), 381-406, 2010.*(Corresponding author)
Goto T., Hatanaka R., Ogawa T., Sumiyoshi A., Riera J.*, Kawashima R. An evaluation of the conductivity profile in the barrel cortex of Wistar rats. J. Neurophysiol. 104, 3388-3412, 2010. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Sumiyoshi A. Brain oscillations: Ideal scenery to understand the neurovascular coupling. Current Opinion in Neurology 23(4), 374-381, 2010. (Review) *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Ogawa T., Hatanaka R., Goto T., Sumiyoshi A., Enjieu Kadji H., Nakauchi S., Kawashima R. Concurrent observations of astrocytic Ca2+ activity and multisite extracellular potentials from an intact cerebral cortex. J. Biophotonics 3, 3, 147-160, 2010. *(Corresponding author)
Homma N., Kato S., Goto T., Sakai M., Sugita N., Yoshizawa M., Yomogida Y., Sassa Y, Sugiura M., Riera J., Kawashima R. Human brain activities related to manual control of nonholonomic systems: An fMRI study. IJACE International Journal of Advanced Computed Engineering 2, 2, 129-133, 2009.
Yokoyama S., Kim J., Uchida S., Miyamoto T., Yoshimoto K., Riera J., Yusa N., Kawashima R. Left middle temporal deactivation caused by insufficient second language word comprehension by Chinese-Japanese bilinguals. Journal of Neurolinguistics 22, 476-485, 2009.
Stephan K.E., Riera J., Deco G., Horwitz B. The brain connectivity workshops: Moving the frontiers of computational systems neuroscience. NeuroImage, 42, 1-9, 2008.
Riera J.*, Schousboe A., Waagepetersen H.S., Howarth C., Hyder F. The micro-architecture of the cerebral cortex: Functional neuroimaging models and metabolism. NeuroImage, 40, 1436-1459, 2008 *(Corresponding author)
Wan X., Sekiguchi A., Yokoyama S., Riera J., Kawashima R. Electromagnetic source imaging: Backus-Gilbert resolution spread function-constrained and functional MRI-guided spatial filtering. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 627-643, 2008.
Riera J.*, Jimenez J.C., Wan X., Kawashima R., Ozaki T. Nonlinear local electro-vascular coupling. Part II: From data to neural masses. Human Brain Mapping, 28, 335-354, 2007. *(Corresponding author)
Sakai Y., Iwata K., Riera J., Wan X., Yokoyama S., Shimoda Y., Kawashima R., Yoshimoto K., Koizumi M. An ERP study of the integration process between a noun and a numeral classifier: Semantic or syntactic? Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 13, 3, 443-454, 2006.
Yokoyama S., Miyamoto T., Riera J., Kim J., Akitsuki Y., Iwata K., Yoshimoto K., Horie K., Sato S., Kawashima R. Cortical mechanisms involved in the processing of verbs: An fMRI study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 8, 1304-1313, 2006.
Poznanski R., Riera J. fMRI Models of Dendritic and astrocytic networks. J. Integrative Neuroscience, 5, 2, 273-326, 2006. (Review)
Wan X., Riera J., Iwata K., Takahashi M., Wakabayashi T., Kawashima R. The neural basis of the hemodynamic response nonlinearity in human primary visual cortex: Implications for neurovascular coupling mechanism. NeuroImage, 32, 616-625, 2006 (Rapid Communication).
Riera J.*, Valdés P.A., Tanabe K., Kawashima R. A theoretical formulation of the electrophysiological inverse problem: The spherical head model. Phys. Med. Biol., 51, 1737-1758, 2006. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Wan X., Jimenez J.C., Kawashima R. Nonlinear local electro-vascular coupling. Part I: A theoretical model. Human Brain Mapping, 27, 896-914, 2006. *(Corresponding author)
Wan X., Iwata K., Riera J., Ozaki T., Kitamura M., Kawashima R. Artifact reduction for EEG/fMRI recordings: Nonlinear reduction of ballistocardiogram artifacts. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117, 668-680, 2006.
Wan X., Iwata K., Riera J., Kitamura M., Kawashima R. Artifact reduction for EEG/fMRI recordings: Adaptive FIR reduction of imaging artifact. Clinical Neurophysiology, 117, 681-692, 2006.
Miura N., Watanabe J., Iwata K., Sassa Y., Riera J., Tsuchiya H., Sato S., Horie K., Takahashi M., Kitamura M., Kawashima R. Cortical Activation during reading of ancient versus modern Japanese texts: fMRI study. NeuroImage, 26, 2, 426-431, 2005.
Riera J.*, Aubert E., Iwata K., Kawashima R., Wan X., Ozaki T. Fusing EEG and fMRI based on a bottom-up model: Inferring activation and effective connectivity in neural masses. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Lond. B., 360, 1457, 1025-1041, 2005.*(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Bosch J., Yamashita O., Kawashima R., Sadato N., Okada T., Ozaki T. fMRI activation maps based on the NN-ARx model. NeuroImage, 23, 2, 680-697, 2004. *(Corresponding author)
Riera J.*, Watanabe J., Kazuki I., Naoki M., Aubert E., Ozaki T., Kawashima R. A state-space model of the hemodynamic approach: Non-linear filtering of BOLD signals. NeuroImage, 21, 2, 547-567, 2004. *(Corresponding author)
Electroencephalographic electrode unit for small animals and measurement system using same. Riera J, Sumiyoshi A, Kawashima R., US No. 9,078,584 B2, 2015.
System and Methods for the tomography of the primary electric current of the brain and the heart.Valdés P, Riera J, Bosch J, Aubert E, Virue T, Morales F, Trujillo N, Fuentes ME, SolerJ.,US No. 7,092,748 B2, 2002.
Method and system for the three dimensional tomography of activity and connectivity of brain and heart electromagnetic waves generators. Valdés P, Riera J, Bosch J, Biscay R, González S,Grave de Peralta R, Pascual R.,US No. 5,307,807, 1992.
Riera J. Biophysical Models: Neurovascular Coupling, Cortical Microcircuits, and Metabolism In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, 1-15, 2014.
Riera J. Brain Imaging: Overview In: Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience. Springer, 1-3, 2014.
Riera J. What can be observed from functional neuroimaging? In: Complex Medical Engineering. (Eds: JL Wu, K Ito, S Tobimatsu, T Nishida, H Fukuyama). Springer, 313-333, 2007.
Estumano DC, Orlande HRB, Colaço MJ, Ritto TG, Riera J, Dulikravich GS. Bayesian Estimation of Parameters in Hodgkin-Huxley’s Model of Biomedical Electric Signals. Int. Symp. Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modeling 2nd: 1-12, 2014.
Goto T, Ogawa T, Riera J, Kawashima R. Localization of single barrel column by means of a volumetric current source density analysis in the somatosensory cortex of rat. Neuroscience Research 71: e304–e305, 2011.
Riera J, Ogawa T, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Evans A, Kawashima R. Pitfalls in the Dipolar Model of the Neocortical EEG Sources. Proceedings of the Second APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference: 964-968, 2010.
Nakauchi S, Riera J, Kawashima R, Miyakawa Y. Alpha2 Nicotonic Acethylcholine Receptor and LPT Induction in the Hippocampal CA1 Region. Journal Physiological Society Japan 72(3), 2010.
Enjieu-Kadji HG, Nakauchi S, Goto T, Sahara Y, Kawashima R, Riera J. A methodology to characterize the layer 5 non-adapting RS neocortical PCs. Neuroscience Research 65(1): S226, 2009.
Ogawa T, Goto T, Jiménez JC, Ozaki T, Kawashima R, Riera J. Estimation of event related signatures from single trial LFPs. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience -01/2008. DOI:10.3389/conf.neuro.09.2009.01.367
Bosch Bayard J, Riera J, Biscay Lirio R, Wong K, Yamashita O, Valdés Sosa PA, Ozaki T. Spatio-Temporal Correlations in fMRI Time Series: The Innovation Approach. Clinical Neurophysiology 119(9): e137-e138, 2008.
Riera J, Goto T, Enjieu-Kadji H, Ogawa T, Morito R, Kawashima R. The Micro-Architecture of the Cerebral Cortex: Its Impact on Functional Neuroimaging in Humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 119(9): e107, 2008.
Kato S, Goto T, Homma N, Yoshizawa M, Yomogida Y, Sassa Y, Sugiura M, Riera J, Kawashima R. fMRI Analysis of the Human Brain Activities During Manual Control of a Nonholonomic System. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, Article number 4654986: 1977-1980, 2008.
Riera J, Jimenez JC, Ozaki T, Kawashima R, Wan X. Nonlinear Local Neurovascular Coupling in the Cerebral Cortex. Neuroscience Research 58, Suppl. 1: S129, 2007.
Riera J, Kawashima R. P31.5 Concurrent EEG correlates of event-related and spontaneous fMRI: Implications for neural basis of functional imaging. Clinical Neurophysiology 117: 150, 2006.
Wan X, Riera J, Kawashima R. Concurrent EEG correlates of event-related and spontaneous fMRI: Implications for neural basis of functional imaging. Clinical Neurophysiology 117: S121-S336, 2006.
Wan X., Iwata K., Riera J., Kawashima R., Kitamura M. Step for Fusion of Electroencephalogram and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: F131. J. Clinical Neurophysiology 22, 5, 363, 2005.
Riera J., R. Kawashima. P31.5 Concurrent EEG correlates of event-related and spontaneous fMRI: Implications for neural basis of functional imaging Clinical Neurophysiology 01/2006; 117:150-150.
Riera J., Jimenez J.C., Ozaki T., Kawashima R., Wan X.H. Nonlinear Local Neurovascular Coupling in the Cerebral Cortex. Neuroscience Research 58, S129-S129, Suppl. 1, 2007
Bosch Bayard J., Riera J., Biscay Lirio R., Wong K., Yamashita O., Valdés Sosa P.A., Ozaki T. Spatio-Temporal Correlations in fMRI Time Series: The Innovation Approach. Clinical Neurophysiology 119, 9, e137-e138, 2008.
Riera J., Goto T., Enjieu-Kadji H., Ogawa T., Morito R., Kawashima R. The Micro-Architecture of the Cerebral Cortex: Its Impact on Functional Neuroimaging in Humans. Clinical Neurophysiology 119, 9, e107, 2008.
Kato S., Goto T., Homma N., Yoshizawa M., Yomogida Y., Sassa Y., Sugiura M., Riera J., Kawashima, R. fMRI Analysis of the Human Brain Activities During Manual Control of a Nonholonomic System. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference, Article number 4654986, 1977-1980, 2008.
Riera J, Ogawa T, Goto T, Sumiyoshi A, Nonaka H, Evans A, Kawashima R. Pitfalls in the Dipolar Model of the Neocortical EEG Sources. Proceedings of the Second APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, 964-968, 2010.
Riera J, Watanabe J, Kazuki I., Naoki M., Aubert E., Ozaki T., Kawashima R. A State-Space Model of the Balloon Approach: a Non-Linear Analysis of BOLD Signals. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 880. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2003.
Riera J., Bosch J., Yamashita O., Kawashima R., Sadato N., Okada T., Ozaki T. fMRI Activation Maps based on the NN-ARx Model. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 906. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
Riera J., Aubert E., Iwata K., Kawashima R., Wan X., Ozaki T. Fusing EEG and fMRI based on a Bottom-Up Model: Inferring Activation and Effective Connectivity in Neural Masses. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 927. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
Wan X., Iwata K., Riera J., Kitamura M., Ozaki T., Kawashima R. Artifacts Reduction for EEG/fMRI Recordings. Part 1: Nonlinear Reduction of Ballistocardiogram Artifact. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 939. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
Bosch-Bayard J., Riera J., Biscay-Lirio R.J., Wong K.F.K., Yamashita O., Galka A., Sadato N., Kawashima R., Valdes-Sosa P., Miwakechi F., Ozaki T. Spatio-Temporal Correlations in fMRI Time Series: the Whitening Approach. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 1025, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
Roberto D. Pascual-Marqui, Rolando J. Biscay, Pedro A Valdes-Sosa, Jorge Bosch-Bayard, Jorge J. Riera-Diaz. Cortical current source connectivity by means of partial coherence fields. arXiv 08/2011, 2012.
Cabo A, Riera J, Valdes-Hernandez PA. About the effects of diffusion in electric tomography. arXiv:1610.07642v1 [physics.bio-ph], 2016.
Cabo A, Riera J. How the active and diffusional nature of brain tissues can generate monopole signals at micrometer sized measures. Cornell University Library, arXiv:1410.0274, 2014.
Pascual-Marqui RD, Biscay RJ, Valdes-Sosa PA, Bosch-Bayard J, Riera-Diaz J. Cortical current source connectivity by means of partial coherence fields. Cornell University Library, arXiv:1108.0251, 2011.
Bosch-Bayard J, Riera J, Biscay-Lirio RJ, Wong KFK, Yamashita O, Galka A, Sadato N, Kawashima R, Valdes-Sosa P, Miwakechi F, Ozaki T. Spatio-Temporal Correlations in fMRI Time Series: the Whitening Approach. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 1025, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2007.
Wan X, Iwata K, Riera J, Kitamura M, Ozaki T, Kawashima R. Artifacts Reduction for EEG/fMRI Recordings. Part 1: Nonlinear Reduction of Ballistocardiogram Artifact. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 939. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2005.
Riera J, Aubert E, Iwata K, Kawashima R, Wan X, Ozaki T. Fusing EEG and fMRI based on a Bottom-Up Model: Inferring Activation and Effective Connectivity in Neural Masses. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 927. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.
Riera J, Bosch J, Yamashita O, Kawashima R, Sadato N, Okada T, Ozaki T. fMRI Activation Maps based on the NN-ARx Model. ISM Research Memorandum, No. 906. The Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Tokyo, Japan, 2004.